Meridian Medical Group provides a wide range of services to meet your needs. Our practice is devoted to out-of-the-box strategies and solutions for complex or serious conditions, such as cancer, autoimmune, neurodegenerative diseases.

Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan Medicine is a unique system of medicine where spirituality and healing are intimately linked. With a truly holistic system of diagnosis based not only the examination of the patient, it may include the interpretation of dreams as well as position of heavenly bodies as well.

We offer nationwide and international consultations via ZOOM for cases we have reviewed, as well as for follow-ups.

In cases of complex or rare conditions, we provide unbiased second opinions based on the current literature as to the best options forward and assist with decision-making with your personal preferences of outcome in mind.  Specialists customarily “talk their book” with e.g. surgeons recommending surgery etc and practitioners also tend to jump the gun and recommend the latest ( and usually most expensive) pharmaceuticals because they maybe under the spell of pharmaceutical companies, leaving the patient confused as to whats really best for them. We will present fully researched and evidence-based pros and cons and cost v. benefits so that the patient can decide for him/herself what is in their best interest.

For rare or complex cases, we will comprehensively review and sort through your medical records to give you a digested but clear overall perspective of the condition and suggest the best options forward.  This generally takes an hour for most cases and can be accompanied by a summary one-page written report or a 30 min ZOOM meeting to discuss.

There are a bewildering array of thousands of supplements out there and it is very hard for the patient to see through whats real and whats just a sales pitch or marketing ploy.  Should one take Noni or Essiac ?  Which medicinal mushroom is best ? Is there anything to vitamin C or marijuana (CBD) ? We can provide a comprehensive supplements plan with recommendation for the right dose, the reliable brands, and make sure there are no adverse interactions with your current medical regime etc and all tailored to your condition and with your budget in mind,

102 E 30th St., New York, NY 10016